Ry Cutter


A PhD in Astrophysics turned Data Scientist and Software Engineer, driven by a passion for science communication and innovative problem-solving.

- Lead Innovation Data Scientist
- Customer Insights and Behaivour Analyst
- Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning, Embedded ML, Software/Firmware Engineering, Automation, Python, Time Series, Forecasting, NLP, Data Visualisation, Experimental Design, Physics, Statistics, Wearable Tech, Connectivity, Human Factors, UI/UX

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Modified NSGA-II for Rapid Component Improvement in CFD simulations

A multi-objective optimisation problem, using the output of a CFD simulation to calculate objectives and then use the algorithm to iterate component parameters to improve performance. This was eventually applied to experimental data and used to optimise actual product performance and improve future product design. Decreasing the “to market” time of our products. [Data obscured for confidentiality purposes]