Ry Cutter


A PhD in Astrophysics turned Data Scientist and Software Engineer, driven by a passion for science communication and innovative problem-solving.

- Lead Innovation Data Scientist
- Customer Insights and Behaivour Analyst
- Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning, Embedded ML, Software/Firmware Engineering, Automation, Python, Time Series, Forecasting, NLP, Data Visualisation, Experimental Design, Physics, Statistics, Wearable Tech, Connectivity, Human Factors, UI/UX

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Show Case

Automatic Batch Returns and Component Analysis

A real time alert system to notify the company when a product batch begins failing beyond the allowable amount. Component analysis is conducted to identify potential causes (see red circle in the Venn diagram). An impact report is built estimating company losses from the error. [Data obscured for confidentiality purposes]

Amazon Review Webscraper and Patent Sentinel

An automatic web scraper to build sentiment analysis from Amazon reviews (code included). Plus another webscraper, but for published patents. Using the latter to track competitor IP capture and monitor trends in the product space. Finally, a touch of NLP. Using LDA on scraped patents to group topics and predict competitor research strategy.

List of Publications

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